Monday, October 31, 2011

For the Geek inside...

A real Tron cycle!  Pretty rad, I have to say.  Although, I'd like to see them driving it faster.  Either, it's not built to go very fast, or it's not safe yet.  It's not quite as cool as the one from the recent movie, but the hollow wheels look pretty awesome.  Read about it here.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Production Toyota FT-86 Revealed Via Leaked Accessory Brochure

Car and Driver Blog » Production Toyota FT-86 Revealed Via Leaked Accessory Brochure:

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Here is another car I'm keeping my eye on, and hoping it'll still be somewhat stylish when it goes into production (as well as stay in an affordable price range).  It looks like the US version will be a Scion instead of a Toyota.  I'm not sure how I feel about this, and wonder what impact that will have on the product (if any).  I'm a fan of Toyota, and would feel comfortable buying another one, but I'm not sold on Scion yet.  This car could be a turning point for their brand if it is solid.  However, it does look like a two-seater, which would probably mark it as a "no" in my book.  At least, until my son goes to sixteen years.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tokyo Motor Show: New Mazda Takeri Concept Previews Next Mazda6 - Carscoop

Tokyo Motor Show: New Mazda Takeri Concept Previews Next Mazda6 - Carscoop:

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I'm pretty excited about this car, we'll see what it looks like when it goes to production.  If they don't water it down like the did with the CX-5 (the Minagi actually looked pretty good), I'll be happy and much more likely to consider buying it.  I was really excited when they debuted the Shinari concept, but if they don't really implement the new design theme, it was was all for nothing.  I'm glad car-makers are putting more focus on design and appeal for cars that are actually affordable.  Let's hope they keep this in the current price range of the Mazda6.

More soon on the upcoming cars...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wave Energy At Low Cost Is UK Target | EarthTechling

Wave Energy At Low Cost Is UK Target | EarthTechling:

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This sounds great.  Harnessing energy from waves seems like it could have some real potential for high amounts of clean energy output.  Hopefully, there will be minimal impact on marine life.  I hope we can continue to come up with more ideas to create clean energy.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Solar Charger That Rewards You for Staying Off the Grid

A Solar Charger That Rewards You for Staying Off the Grid:

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Here's a pretty cool device. I'm all for anything that gets us closer to a clean energy world, and seeing that I charge my smartphone on average from 1-4 times a day, this might save me some money at the same time.  I like the idea that they track how much energy your are generating and that they add incentives to use this device.  We'll see how great those incentives are when they come out, but it's just an added bonus.  In my opinion, solar is great, the energy is just there waiting to be tapped.  We might as well use it and give the planet a little bit of a break.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Bank Simple

I just want to share this site because the idea sounds really good to me.  Seeing how all the banks are starting to add fees on just about anything they can, Bank Simple has a real appeal.  I hope they can live up to their vision statements.  

I Can't Believe this Guy is Running for President

Santorum: 'I'll Die' to Stop Same Sex Marriages | Video Cafe:

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Sorry, Rick, but we're not all super-conservative Christians in this country. Republicans talk so much about getting rid of government, getting government out of our lives, and Rick Santorum wants to start regulating our sex lives. You are free to your beliefs and opinions, but doesn't this start to look like a dictatorship if you are going to start telling people when and how they can have sex. I suppose "missionary" will be the only legal position? Presidents "don't talk about these things" because it's none of their business, and it's none of yours.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Enough with the Falling Objects from the Sky

Germany's ROSAT Satellite Could Come Crashing Down Somewhere On Earth As Soon As Friday | Popular Science:

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What's with all the satellites falling out of orbit?  Not that I'm opposed to removing some of the space junk floating around our planet, but can we find a safer method?  Are satellites just getting old and starting to fail?  Is this going to become a regular occurance?  Let's hope not, and let's hope they come down safely.

The New World's Thinnest Phone: The Motorola Droid RAZR | Popular Science

The New World's Thinnest Phone: The Motorola Droid RAZR | Popular Science:

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As turned off by Android as I am, I am hesitant to ever buy another Android phone.  However, with my disappointment in the iphone 4S release, this new Droid RAZR by Motorola has caught my attention (momentarily anyway).  Thin, fast, 4G LTE, and longer battery life are very big draws.  Now, the decision to buy this, or wait for the new iphone 5, which may or may not come out summer of 2012.  Choices, choices...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

So This Finally Happened (the video is a little disturbing)

Gaddafi killed in hometown, Libya eyes future | Reuters:

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It seems like Gaddafi's death has been uncomfortably hanging on the horizon for some time now. One can only hope that something good will come of all this; that a better, more peaceful and just system will arise.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

SteriPEN Freedom UV Water Purifier | Uncrate

SteriPEN Freedom UV Water Purifier | Uncrate:

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This seems like a pretty handy device if you'll be traveling somewhere with a questionable water source. Might even be good for hiking/camping.

As a side note, has some pretty cool reviews.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Exclusive: Computer Virus Hits U.S. Drone Fleet | Danger Room |

Exclusive: Computer Virus Hits U.S. Drone Fleet | Danger Room |

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This is the sort of thing that really worries me. I'm all for keeping troops out of harm's way, but what is the risk that we will lose control of drones? With every evolution of the way we fight our wars, are we stepping closer to future that science fiction has depicted for us? It might seem silly, but if we are able to create A.I. that is at least as intelligent as us, yet stronger than us, how do we know it won't turn on us. What would we do in its place?

For the meantime, the real threat is whether someone else will take control of our drones and other non-manned weapons.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sexy Politics [NSFW]

I thought this was kinda funny.  There are so many bad jokes I'm tempted to add here, but I'll refrain.  I suppose she definitely got some attention for this.

Here's a link to the article where I saw this:

Polish Parliamentary Candidate Katarzyna Lenart Striptease Campaign Ad | Video |

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Innovative park design

BBC News - Millions stroll in New York's 'park in the sky':

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I thought this was a great idea for a park. It takes an existing structure that is part of the city's history and incorporates it into a new and useful design. Being able to get off the street and slow down is a wonderful way to escape the never ending sense of rush in a city. I hope we see more creative designs for parks like this popping up in cities, especially where there is a real lack of anything green.

Producer Makes Insane Real-Time Beats With New iMaschine App

Producer Makes Insane Real-Time Beats With New iMaschine App:

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This looks pretty sweet. Makes me wish I had an iphone. I'm still holding out to see what the iphone 5 will look like.
Anyway, have fun with the video!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


This movie looks pretty interesting.  The idea of a planet on a collision-course with Earth is pretty scary.  For what I'm assuming is done to keep the story succinct, the planet apparently has been hiding behind the sun (for how long?) and will soon pass by (collide) with Earth.  Not the most plausible premise, but there is some basis for the collision with rogue planets.  A rogue planet is one that wanders the galaxy (perhaps the universe too?) freely.  I'm sure the chances are not high of this actually happening, but it's interesting to think about a sort of slow approach to the end of the world that we can see coming but are powerless to stop.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Revenge of the Electric Car

I am going to have to see this one.  I'm happy that electric cars are making a comeback, and I hope we can create a more sustainable future.

Tower Heist

I thought this movie would be bad, seeing that Ben Stiller is in it, but Eddie Murphy looks awesome!
Eddie is back, baby!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Politico Left Out the Correct Option for its Sarah Palin Poll

Read the following poll and see if you can tell what's wrong with it:

Was Sarah Palin's decision to not run for president in 2012 the right call?

I couldn't help but feel like the correct answer was not an option: Yes - She would have made a terrible president and never would have won the general election.

Really, if she would have run, it would have been nothing short of embarrassing.  I still blame John McCain for creating the monster she has become.  Let's please, please, please stop paying attention to her now...please.  (and yes, by making a blog post about her, I realize I'm fueling what I'd rather see go poof).

Herman Cain: Wall Street Protests Are Un-American | ThinkProgress

Herman Cain: Wall Street Protests Are Un-American | ThinkProgress:

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I'm not sure how much of a shot Herman Cain had for the nomination, but he certainly lost any faith I had in him with his comments on the Occupy protesters. Not that I will likely vote Republican, but I had thought some of the things coming out of Cain's mouth made sense now and then.

Apparently, Wall Street throwing the country into recession, causing suffering across the nation, getting bailed out by the taxpayers, and continuing to give its employees huge bonuses while people are losing their homes is the American thing to do.

Not that I condone it, but I have a really bad feeling that if things don't turn around, there will be blood on the horizon.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

On the Street…The Power of a Simple Knit and a Patterned Skirt, New York « The Sartorialist

On the Street…The Power of a Simple Knit and a Patterned Skirt, New York « The Sartorialist:

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I just wanted to post this because I like fashion and the idea of finding people on the street and photographing their fashion statements.

Tesla’s sporty Model S will accelerate faster than a Porsche 911 Carrera | VentureBeat

Tesla’s sporty Model S will accelerate faster than a Porsche 911 Carrera | VentureBeat:

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Here's another story that gets me excited.  If I had the money to buy any Tesla, I would make this my next car purchase.

Photo: Tesla Model S Alpha build, courtesy GreenCarReports.

California governor signs law preventing male circumcision ban -

California governor signs law preventing male circumcision ban -

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If you know me, you probably still don't know my view on this because it's such a strange topic that most people don't even consider talking about it.

Here's my view: circumcision is genital mutilation. End of story.

We all know it's been around for a while, it's part of a few religions, and it's fairly accepted in the USA. That doesn't mean it's right.

As for Jerry Brown signing this new law, I have mixed feelings. Where I wish it could have worked out on the local level, I also think it might be more effective if it can be done on the state level. We'll see if anyone takes it there next.

Vivid Illustrations of Superheroes and Villains - My Modern Metropolis

Vivid Illustrations of Superheroes and Villains - My Modern Metropolis:

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Some pretty cool illustrations, just wanted to share.

Why should marriage last forever? -

Why should marriage last forever? -

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I'm probably going to get in trouble with my wife for writing about this, but it just seems like such an interesting concept. In some ways, it seems like a really good idea. You check in every once in a while and see if things are going where you want them to. If they aren't, you'll have a less messy way out. If it's all good, you move on. Good for you.

However, considering I might not be married anymore if this were in place here in the USA, it gives me pause. We all hit rough patches, and if we had an easier end to marriage, I might be single right now. In fact, my wife may have left me at the first checkpoint if she had the chance. That would also mean my son never would have been born. It becomes one of those situations, you don't really know how it would have turned out because it didn't happen. Your entire life could be drastically different, but you'll never know.

I can't help being left with the though: plenty of people get divorced, why not make it less painful. I know some people will argue that you shouldn't get married in the first place if you aren't ready for a lifelong commitment. I also think marriage, like having children, is something you can never be prepared for, no matter how much anyone talks your ear off about it, or how much research you do.

Seems like an idea worth considering. In the mean time, we'll see how it plays out in Mexico.

Amanda Knox Leaves Italy En Route To U.S.

Amanda Knox Leaves Italy En Route To U.S. : NPR:

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"Amanda Knox flew home Tuesday after four years in an Italian prison, as the dramatic reversal of her murder conviction stunned the victim's family, angered the prosecution and left questions unanswered over who killed her British roommate."

This is more like totally worse than awful, but I wanted to post it since it's something I've been following since it happened. I can't imagine having to spend four years in prison in a foreign country for a crime I didn't commit (assuming she's innocent, which is what I lean towards). Maybe I was influenced by the press, I don't know, but I have always thought this case was a little far fetched. That doesn't change the fact that Meredith Kercher died a brutal death, but lets not turn this into a witch-hunt.

On the other side, I'm sure the amount of relief Amanda Knox feels right now must be unimaginable. I'm also going to go ahead and predict a book and possible movie coming out down the road, as unsympathetic as that sounds.

What shocks me is that Amanda Knox says she'll go back to Italy. Maybe she's just trying to keep her head held high and use a little diplomacy before she gets out of the country. I would never come back, ever. One, for fear of being jailed again. Two, a big F You for holding me in prison for four years for a crime that, at the very least, can't be proven.

I hope Amanda has a safe trip home and can someday find some peace.